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    Rosanna Eleanor Leprohon

    Rosanna Eleanor Leprohon (1829-1879) was a notable Canadian author, renowned for her contributions to literature in the 19th century. Born in Montreal, Quebec, she became one of the most prominent female writers of her time, particularly recognized for her novels and poems that often reflected the social and cultural dynamics of Canadian society.

    Literary Career: Leprohon began her literary career at a young age, initially publishing poetry and short stories in various magazines. Her first novel, "The Manor House of De Villerai," was serialized in the Literary Garland in 1859, marking the beginning of her success as a novelist.Literary Career: Leprohon began her literary career at a young age, initially publishing poetry and short stories in various magazines. Her first novel, "The Manor House of De Villerai," was serialized in the Literary Garland in 1859, marking the beginning of her success as a novelist.

    Rosanna Eleanor Leprohon

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    Armand Durand

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    Armand Durand

    Rosanna Eleanor LeprohonProfessor Solomon


    Literary Career: Leprohon began her literary career at a young age, initially publishing poetry and short stories in various magazines. Her first novel, "The Manor House of De Villerai," was serialized in the Literary Garland in 1859, marking the beginning of her success as a novelist.

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    Armand Durand

    "Armand Durand" is a poignant exploration of love, identity, and societal expectations. Set against the backdrop of Quebec's picturesque landscapes, the novel follows the life and emotional struggles of Armand Durand, a young man of noble spirit and deep intellect. As he navigates through complex family dynamics, romantic entanglements, and personal dilemmas, Armand's journey becomes a mirror reflecting the broader social changes of his time. But he never expects to be so utterly charmed and entertained as he is by his letter writer, “Molly Make-Believe.” As the winter drags on and Cornelia’s letters grow sparse and impersonal, Carl and Molly strike up a lively correspondence, and he finds himself falling in love with her. Carl becomes determined to uncover Molly’s true identity. But will she be everything he imagines her to be? Does she feel what he feels, or is she just playing a part? And what will Cornelia have to say about this when she comes home? Originally written in 1910 by one of the early twentieth century’s most prolific romantic authors, Molly Make-Believe is a sweet, old-fashioned romance delivered with Eleanor Hallowell Abbott’s sparkling wit and style, and sure to delight fans of classic romance.

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